SUPPORT FOR VOLUNTEER TRAINING From master diagrammer to milling industry

10 August 20177 min reading

Noyan Erik, one of the master diagrammers in the Turkish milling industry, shared his experience and knowledge with young representatives of the milling industry, during the “Diagram Technologies” training by volunteers, which was held at Life Centre in the campus of İzmir High Technology Institute on 1-9 July 2017. 

ustadiagramciNoyan Erik is one of the most important representatives of the Turkish milling industry. The master diagrammer continues to offer his years of experience in milling industry, and his knowledge from his education at the German Milling School, to the industry. Noyan Erik gave a 9-day training to the young members of the industry at the Life Centre of İzmir High Technology Institute, upon the request of several students who value the knowledge and experience of a master, and he set another example to the industry. Erik, who has contributed to successful implementation of numerous facilities with technology manufacturers and flour miller for many years, is particularly sensitive about education. Erik often emphasizes the importance of training in milling, in his interviews with the Miller Magazine and on other platforms, and he shed a light on the younger minds in the industry during his volunteer trainings held on 1-9 July 2017.

REQUEST FROM STUDENTS OF MILLING... We contacted Erik about the issue, and he explained how the idea for the training emerged: “Several graduates from the Department of Milling contacted me, saying they could not get sufficient professional knowledge during their 2 years at school, and asked me to help them in trainings so that they can build a career in the flour industry. I decided to consider the request to set an example, since I have always emphasized the importance of training in milling industry and its importance for our country, yet I failed to make myself heard or to raise awareness. I talked to Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yemenici, the Chairman of the Department of Food Engineering at İzmir High Technology Institute, about the idea. Thankfully, he welcomed the idea and encouraged me. Since the Life Centre had the ideal conditions for this activity, including accommodation and other facilities, and with the support of the administration, I set out to put the idea into practice. As the first thing, I talked to Günhan Ulusoy, the President of the Turkish Flour Industrialists Federation (TFIF). He also welcomed the project, and said he would send a few people. Afterwards, I started to work on the details of the program, prepared the notes and the announcements.

AN EXAMPLE FOR MODERN VOCATIONAL TRAINING... Erik planned the whole training process on his own, without any genuine support from a person or organization in the industry, and executed this training project with his volunteer students who paid their own expenses, and the said the purposes of the training was to offer information to participants to prepare a milling diagram: “We needed at least 54 hours of work to achieve the objective of gaining skills to prepare a diagram. Therefore, I prepared a 9-day program, with 6-hour sessions on each day. The purpose of my preparation was to set an example for a modern vocational training, which I have never seen in vocational education in Turkey. Here, my starting point was the idea that the learning process can only be based on the actual person. In this process, I tried to encourage an interactive activity among the participants, by providing insight based on experience, rather than knowledge based on executives’ assumptions. I can say that the participants really enjoyed the training and were satisfied with it.”

OPINIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS As the master diagrammer said, the participants are very satisfied with what they learned during the 9-day training. We talked to several volunteers after the training, asked for their opinions:

Elçin Bilgin, Eti Gıda: “Although I did not have enough information about milling, this training was really beneficial for me. Noyan Erik explained the subjects in a very effective way. I believe such training projects aimed at students of milling at universities should be supported by the government, and these trainings should be continued. Apart from the government, the private sector should also support these trainings.”

Hüseyin Yalçın: “The training has been very useful, although I have 30 years of experience in the industry and a good command of the subject. We will use the information we obtained here to the benefit of the people in flour industry. Everyone was satisfied with the training. I would like to see more examples of such trainings. When we want to look at the diagram of a person who has been in the business for 30 years, we cannot see these, because nobody is willing to disclose their diagrams. In Turkey, milling is not considered as an occupation yet. The knowledgeable and experienced staff, aged 45-50 years old, who are currently working in the milling industry will soon retire, and we will run out people who will ensure quality, cost-effective production. We requested the owner of our company to be included in this training. We will also submit our request to Eren Günhan Ulusoy, the President of Turkish Flour Industrialists Federation (TFIF).”

Selman Ün: I think 9 days were not enough for a diagram training. With our experience in the industry and with the subjects covered by Noyan Erik in 9 days, we complemented our knowledge. I believe the major problem in the Turkish milling industry is the lack of diagram training. There are 2-year vocational schools of milling at universities; however, they are not attractive for students and the diagram training offered at these institutions is insufficient. Since the universities and the private sector does not believe in the importance of the subject, our distinguished master, Noyan Erik, who has been trained on diagrams abroad, supported us. These trainings have become an important professional requirement. They should be held more often. Besides, nobody industry knew about the training, other than those who were attending. Thus, these trainings should be announced publicly.”

Şadan Erol: “At a time when we do not have an institution offering training on diagrams and we do not have a leader to do this, Noyan Erik gave a volunteer training. The grains and food processing departments of universities should support these trainings, and hold training events for students and companies. The studies focusing on how to obtain high-efficiency flour from wheat will affect the profitability of business, and will ensure that the employees know what they do. This training has been the first step for us. If more training sessions are held in the future and if they are properly announced, many people can benefit from them. I believe, trainings should also cover use of machinery and equipment, as well as diagrams. There is a significant loss of wheat, particularly in the cleaning sections, and most of the lost amount is used in animal feed.”

Tacettin Tan, Tanış Machine Technologies: “I believe Noyan Erik is the number one figure in diagramming in Turkey. Noyan Erik explained us the diagrams in detail, and the participants, who have a background in the industry, really understood the lectures. I did not prepare any diagrams, I only worked in the plant. I think the duration of the training was not enough. If it was planned for 15-20 days, it would be more beneficial for those who do not have enough experience. The training should be more comprehensive, and held in larger halls. The private sector should also support these trainings, and send their employees to sessions. The employees tend to hide their knowledge and avoid teaching the young people. At Tanış Machine Technologies, we will do our best to support trainings. The government should also support trainings. Besides, it would be more beneficial if we can hold a similar training in practice at a flour milling facility next year. This will encourage flour factories and machinery manufacturers to support these trainings.”

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