Italian pasta giant Barilla published the 2017 work and sustainability results. Globally speaking, the company grew 3 percent in 2017 compared to the last year while it made an annual turnover of 3.47 million Euro. The company will make one billion euro of investment in five years.
Barilla that makes production in twenty-eight facilities including Turkey’s Bolu facility continued to grow globally while it lowered its impact on the environment. Barilla published the 2017 work and sustainability results.
Being a world leader on the pasta market, the European leader in sauces, the Italian leader in baked products, and the Scandinavian leader in crispy bread, Barilla grew three percent in 2017 globally and made an annual turnover of 3.47 million Euros.
The group, which foresees to invest approximately 1 billion euros in industrial assets within five years, aims to improve its processes with 60 percent of its investments and improve its competitiveness and sustainability by developing the technologies it possesses. The company will focus mainly on growing business and increasing production capacity when it invests outside Italy.
Barilla says it saved 1.100 tons of greenhouse gas a year with the project “Wheat Train.” In the last seven years, Barilla lowered its water consumption by 31 percent and its greenhouse gas emission by 24 percent per ton of pasta produced at the company’s facility; the company also used less its 3,300 trucks in delivering its pasta thanks to its new railway, called as wheat train and opened in Parma in 2015. The company began to use new truck fleet using new liquid methane as fuel in last year.