Alapros to construct innovative flour mill for Italian Casillo Group

29 August 20232 min reading

Alapros, one of the leading milling machinery manufacturers, will build an innovative flour mill for the Italian Casillo Group. The collaboration involves a turnkey flour milling contract with a daily capacity of 300 tons. The project is planned to be commissioned in April 2024.

Alapros, which is preparing to sign an important project in Trieste, Italy, announced a strategic cooperation with Casillo Group. Within the scope of this cooperation, a turnkey flour milling contract with a capacity of 300 tons/day has been signed and the project is planned to be commissioned in April 2024. Casillo Group expresses its satisfaction for choosing Alapros and emphasizes the innovation and quality that this cooperation will bring to the sector.

Alapros stands out as a professional company offering integrated solutions in grain milling and processing technologies. The company is led by an experienced team with a passion for innovation and production, and shapes all its products and services with the goal of global leadership. Alapros focuses on the production of Industry 4.0 compliant factories and competitive products by offering integrated solutions such as design, diagramming, automation and commissioning, as well as wheat milling machines and equipment.

Casillo Group, on the other hand, has been offering a broad perspective from wheat production to processing and marketing with the principles of quality, innovation and sustainability for years. Molino Casillo's roots began in 1958 when Vincenzo Casillo started his own business, learning the secrets of wheat and milling from his father. With an innovative approach, the Casillo Group is a leader in the market, producing a variety of flours and semolina as a result of the valuable work of the Research and Development department.

Casillo Group's choice of Alapros was driven by Alapros' innovative approach and pursuit of excellence in production. The 300 tons/day capacity flour mill project, which will be built as a result of the cooperation, will increase competitiveness in the sector and stand out with its innovative production approaches. In a press release, Alapros affirmed, “It is certain that this plant to be built by Alapros for Casillo Group will breathe new life into the sector”.


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