According to the report of International Grains Council (IGC) dated 27 November 2014; corn production of the world which was 875 million tons in 2011/12 season decreased to 860 million tons in 2012/13 season. According to the forecast of IGC; world corn production started to rise and reached to 984 million tons in 2013/14 season. IGC’s forecast for 2014/15 season points out a decrease of 2 million tons. However, world corn production hit record high although the decrease of 2 million tons is forecasted.
Up until America was discovered in late 15th century, corn wasn’t known in the other parts of the world. Corn, which reached to Europe in the 16th century and from there to various regions of the world, gained a place as staple food in a lot of countries. It is estimated that corn was first used around Mexico. It spread to majority of America and became a product that Native Americans frequently used in 2500s BC.
Around 70 percent of corn, which currently, is used both as a staple food and as animal feed in nearly all parts of the world, contains starch and 8 percent of it contains oil. Endosperm that forms 80 percent of corn seed has starch rate of 90 percent. Also, corn which is rich in vitamins is a source of dietary fibers, phosphorus and magnesium.
Corn, a warm climate grain, sprouts at minimum 9-10 °C. The most appropriate growth is realized at 20-25 °C. Together with the fact that corn is not too picky about the soil, it can also be cultivated in various types of soil when proper conditions provided. However, endurance of corn to water and salinity in soil is lower in comparison to paddy rice, cotton and beet. It gives the most qualified products in soil that is rich in organic matters, aerated well, deep and warm.
Corn which is cultivated on nearly 180 million hectare in the world comes third after wheat and rice in terms of cultivation area. According to the data of U.S. Department of Agriculture; China has the biggest share when the cultivated area of corn considered. Although USA is the leader in terms of yields, it comes right after China in sense of the width of cultivated areas. Brazil is also the third. Cultivated areas for corn in China is 36,8 million hectare, 33,6 million hectare in USA and 15 million hectare in Brazil. Turkey is the seventh in cultivated areas for corn in the world.
In terms of yields; New Zealand that is the leader with highest production rate per corn cultivated area. New Zealand is the leader in the world with 12 ton/ha. , USA comes after New Zealand with 11 ton/ha. Turkey is the sixth with 8 ton/ha.
According to the report of International Grains Council (IGC) dated 27 November 2014; corn production of the world which was 875 million tons in 2011/12 season decreased to 860 million tons in 2012/13 season. According to the forecast of IGC; world corn production started to rise and reached to 984 million tons in 2013/14 season. IGC’s forecast for 2014/15 season points out a decrease of 2 million tons. However, world corn production hit record high although the decrease of 2 million tons is forecasted.
When the end of period stocks of ICG viewed, it is seen that world corn stocks which was 130 million tons in 2011/12 season reached to 132 million tons in 2012/13 season and to 176 million tons in 2013/14 season. IGC forecasts that stocks would reach around 195 million tons in 2014/15 season.
The highest corn production in the world by years belongs to USA. According to the data of USDA; USA provides 353 million tons of world corn production which was 989 million tons in 2013/14 season. There is a growth of 12 million tons in the forecasted production amount of USA. According to this, this season USA will produce 366 million tons of corn. China comes second after USA in terms of corn production. Corn production of China which was 205 million tons in 2012/13 season rose to 218 million tons in season 2013/14. In 2013/14 season, it is forecasted that it would reach to 215 million tons of production.
USA and China meet alone more than half of world corn production which was 989 million tons (2013/14). Brazil follows them with 79 million tons of production. EU countries coming right after Brazil reached to 64 million tons of production by obtaining a growth of 5 million tons in 2013/14 season when compared to the previous season.
Ukraine with 30 million tons, Argentina with 25 million tons, India with 24 million tons, Mexico with 22 million tons, South Africa with 14 million tons, Canada with 14 million tons and Russia with 11 million tons follow the EU countries.
Corn is one of the most important staple foods along with wheat and rice in developing countries. Particularly in Sub-Sahara and Latin American countries, corn that nearly half of the population consumes is preferred by approximately 900 million people around the world. Corn is also one of the most preferred grains as animal feed around the world.
It is forecasted that corn would be the most consumed food product in developing countries by 2025. In addition, that yield of corn would reduce and developing countries will have to import more amounts is one the forecasts.
Currently, USA is the biggest consumer of corn. A decrease of 14 million tons in the country’s consumption was seen along with the decrease in production in 2012/13 season. However, in 2013/14 season, production showed rise and reached to 295 million tons. The forecasted consumption amount of USA for 2014/15 season is nearly 302 million tons. Almost 136 million tons of corn consumption amounts of USA are directed to the domestic need for animal feed.
The largest consumption amount after USA belongs to China. The consumption amount of China has increased gradually for the last four seasons and in 2013/14 season, it reached to 212 million tons. It is seen that the forecasted consumption amount of China is nearly 216 million tons in 2014/15 season. So, the growth rate of China’s corn consumption will continue its upward movement. 158 million tons of corn production in China is directed to domestic need for animal feed.
USA and China form alone more than 50 percent of the corn consumption which is 954 million tons (2013/14) as it is in production. EU countries come right after USA and China in corn consumption. The forecasted consumption amounts of EU countries for 2013/14 season is 76 million tons. The consumption is forecasted to reach almost 77 million tons for 2014/15 season. Corn amount used for domestic need for feed in EU countries is 57,5 million tons.
Another country having high consumption amount is Brazil. Brazil consumed 55 million tons of corn in 2013/14 season; this amount is 2,5 million tons over the previous season. It is forecasted that consumption in Brazil would reach to 56,5 million tons in 2014/15 season. The corn consumption of Brazil to meet the need for feed is 47,5 million tons.
Mexico with 31 million tons, India with 19 million tons, Japan with 15 million tons, and Egypt with 13 million tons and Canada with 12 million tons follow Brazil in world corn consumption.
Almost 100-120 million tons of world corn production takes part in international trade. When the world’s largest corn producers viewed, the majority of the produced amount seems to be directed to domestic consumption. According to the report of IGC; corn trade which was 98 million tons in 2011/12 season reached to 99 million tons in 2012/13 season and to 120 million tons in 2013/14 season. However IGC forecasts that corn amount in world trade would drop. So, this season’s forecasted corn trade amount is 113 million tons.
According to the data of USDA; the largest share in corn trade for 2013/14 season belongs to USA with 50,7 million tons. USA corn export showed a decrease of 20 million tons in 2012/13 season compared to decrease in production and remained at 18,2 million tons. It is forecasted that the country’s export amount which started to increase in 2013/14 season would remain at 44,5 million tons in 2014/15 season.
The second largest corn exporter country after USA is Brazil. Brazil, which showed an important increase in 2012/13 season compared to the previous seasons, carried 26 million dollars of corn export. However, a decrease of 4 million tons was realized in 2013/14 season and the country’s corn exports remained at 22 million tons. In 2014/15 season, the country is forecasted to carry similar export activities.
According to the data of 2013/14 season; the third largest corn exporter country of the world is Ukraine. Ukraine which carried out 5 million tons of corn export in 2010/11 season reached to 20 million tons of corn export amount in 2013/14 season. However, the country’s export activities are forecasted to drop to 16,5 million tons in 2014/15 season.
Argentina comes fourth after Ukraine in world corn export. The corn export of Argentina which is 15 million tons in 2010/11 season increased to 16,5 million tons in 2011/12 season. In 2012/13 season, Argentina started to increase its corn export to 22,7 million tons. However, a decrease was obtained in 2013/14 season and 12,8 million tons of corn export was realized.
In 2013/14 season data; Russia with 4 million tons, India with 3 million tons and Paraguay and EU with 2 million tons follow Argentina.
The largest share in corn import belongs to Asian countries. According to the data of 2013/14 season; EU countries are the leaders in world corn import. However, on the basis of countries, Japan is the most important importer. Total corn import of EU countries is 15,8 million tons in season, according to the data of USDA. On the other hand, import amount of japan alone is 15,1 million tons. The forecasted import amount of Japan for 2014/15 season is 15,4 million tons. EU countries are forecasted to carry out import amount of 6 million tons in 2014/15 season.
Mexico with 10,9 million tons, South Korea with 10,4 million tons, Egypt with 8,5 million tons, Iran with 5,5 million tons and Taiwan with 4,4, million tons follows EU countries and Japan in corn import.
According to the data of USDA; the forecasted corn amount in the world for 2014/15 is nearly 115 million dollars. This is 15 million less than the amount in 2013/14 season.
Corn comes third after wheat and barley in terms of cultivated area in Turkey. The proliferation of corn in Turkey is increased by means of supports made within years. By 2012, Turkey became self-sufficient in corn production. The primary reasons of increase in corn production are widespread use of hybrid seeds and development of production technics. So that yield in corn production also increased.
When the data of Turkish statistical institution (TUIK) viewed, it can be said that corn production amount changing between 2 and 3 million tons was realized in Turkey in the years of 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. The production amount rose to 4,2 million tons in 2008 and realized between 4 and 5 million tons until 2013 then reached to 5,9 million tons 2013.
33 percent of the corn production of Turkey is realized in Marmara region, 31 percent of it in Aegean region, 13 percent of it in The Black Sea region and 10 percent of it is realized in Inner Anatolia.
Along with the corn production, yield has also showed a gradual increase in Turkey for the last ten years. Yields which was 400 kilogram per decare in 2001 rose to 711 kilogram in 2006 and 739 kilogram in 2012. For the year 2013, yield in corn is 894 kilogram/hectare. With these yield rates, Turkey is above the world average.
When the domestic consumption of corn in Turkey viewed, it is seen that the consumption amount which was 3,3 million tons in 2001 rose to 4,1 million tons in 2003. The consumption amount that remains at 4 million tons until 2008, reached to 5,1 million tons in 2008. The consumption amount of 5,2 million tons for 2010 and 5,1 million tons for 2011 was recorded in TUIK’s reports. An increase was realized in 2012 and the consumption rose to 5,7 million tons. In 2013, it remained at 5,8 million tons.
The usage area of corn in Turkey is very large. As it is in the other country, Also in Turkey, the usage rate of corn as animal feed is more than the usage rate of corn as food product for human. The higher living standards rise, the higher usage of corn as animal feed and industrial raw material rise too. However, it is used rather as a staple food in developing countries.
According to the data of TUIK, 74 percent of corn seed produced in our country is used as animal feed. The domestic usage of corn in our country is 5,253 million tons in 2010/2011; the usage amounts of it as food, seed, feed and industrial material are as follows in order: 1,2 million tons, 14,850 thousand tons, 3,7 million tons and 104,80 thousand tons.
It is thought that the increase in corn consumption in Turkey is not reasoned by direct consumption but rather its increased usage in food industry.
Corn production in Turkey nearly meets the consumption. Along with this, from time to time import activities are carried out too. According to the data of TUIK; a significant amount of decrease was realized in Turkey’s corn import between the years of 2009 and 2011. The regulations implemented in 2009 are thought to be effective on this decrease in imports. In consequence of these regulations, important restrictions were implemented on genetically modified food products. Corn is the leading one among these products.
However, the effect of regulations continued until 2012. In 2012, imports activity started again and reached to 1,5 million tons in 2013. It is forecasted that corn import activities would realize again in similar amounts in 2014.
Export activities are significantly limited in comparison to import activities. According to the data of TUIK, the corn exports of Turkey that was 127 thousand tons in 2005 reached to 325 thousand tons which is the highest amount of the last 10 years. Export activities that show a floating level by years remained at 210 thousand tons in 2013.