Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University has decreased wheat growing period to 60 days through the speed breeding method which was inspired by NASA studies. This is the first time this method is applied in Turkey.

Speed breeding which was developed with inspiration from the NASA researches of Professor Lee Hickley of Queensland University on plant breeding in outer space was applied in Karamanoglu Mehmet Bey University (KMU) of Turkey. Thanks to this first application of the method in Turkey, the time needed to grow wheat has been decreased to 60 days.
Wheat growing period decreased to 60 days through the project under the scope of “1005 New National Ideas and Product Research Support Program” conducted by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under the presidency of Nevzat Aydin, Bioengineering Department professor at KMU Faculty of Engineering.
The project was started in 2017 and first results confirmed the similar studies conducted abroad, Dr. Aydin said. He added: “Decreasing the growing period to 60 days means 6 generations of crop within a year. And this is a significant advantage for wheat breeding procedure. Karamanoglu Mehmet Bey University is ready to serve and cooperate with companies from seed growing sector by applying the method.”
KMU Rector Professor Mehmet Akgul also stressed that speed breeding is an important development for the science world and the agricultural sector as well as regional development. They will meet the demands about developing seeds from the companies of seed growing sector in 1 to 2 years, he stated. Akgul added: “The speed breeding method which is being applied by Professor Nevzat Aydin and his team in our university has been used in the world for some time now. But in Turkey, we are the first university applying the method.”