Strategic investment in Brazil from InVivo on animal feed
19 November 20141 min reading
One of the leading animal feed producer of France InVivo NSA, has signed a strategic agreement with Total Alimentos to reach the 3rd place on the Brazilian petfood market.
InVivo NSA, subsidiary of InVivo Group and major French player in animal nutrition has signed an agreement to acquire Total Alimentos, 3rdplayer on the Brazilian petfood market.
This operation confirms the InVivo NSA development strategy on this industry and allows it to get a key position on the Brazilian market, second market in petfood after the United-States at world level. Total Alimentos generates revenues of €170 million and employs 1,400 people. The company has also key positions in dairy cattle, horse and aquaculture feed.
InVivo animal Nutrition and Health, subsidiary of InVivo Group, ranks among the world leaders in its sector with revenues of €1.3 billion and a presence in 20 countries. The rapidly-expanding group is eager to quickly consolidate its position in the profitable and dynamic sector of petfood in emerging markets: latin america and asia.
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