Ulusoy Un goes public
19 November 20142 min reading
Public offering of leading representatives of flour sector Ulusoy Un Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. has been approved.
Ulusoy Un Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. which is one of the most important representatives of flour industry in Turkey goes public. Ulusoy Un Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. for which approval has been received for its public offering shall go public in third week of November in Borsa İstanbul with a capital of 84.500.000 TL. Shares with 4.000.000 nominal value shall be sold with the levels of 2.90-3.45 TL. All of the shares subject to sale belong to Fahrettin Ulusoy. Public offering of Ulusoy Un is being carried out by Şeker Yatırım.
Ulusoy Un Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. offers %27,81 of its company shares to public. Public offering of the company shall be in capital increase by way of limiting the share rights of the existing partners and sale of the shares owned by existing partners. The income gained by public offering shall be used in investment for flour factory, buying raw materials and short term financing and paying off commercial debts.
The company has been established in 1989 in order to produce wheat flour, bran and other feed, domestic and foreign sales and domestic and foreign trade of various cereals starting with wheat. The company has a 1.76 market share in domestic flour sector based on the 2013 data. Ulusoy Un had a %5 capacity in total flour exports of Turkey carried out in 2013. On the other hand Ulusoy Un, won the tender of World Food Program and prepares to send 3.600 tons of flour to Palestine in December.
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