G3 celebrates opening of two elevators in Alberta

13 July 20202 min reading

Canadian grain export company G3 announced the official opening of two state-of-the art export facility in Alberta. G3 Morinville and G3 Carmangay feature the same high-efficiency infrastructure as G3’s other new elevators in Western Canada. Trucks unload in minutes and trains of up to 150 cars are quickly loaded on loop tracks, keeping grain moving to port. “Due to Covid-19, we are setting aside our usual plans for grand opening events at the new sites. We will miss the opportunity to celebrate with our customers, neighbours and other guests but ensuring health and safety is of prime importance. Staff are working with physical distancing and hygiene measures in place.” Canadian company said. The new facilities ship grain to G3 Terminal Vancouver, a next-generation grain export terminal opening this summer. Its loop tracks and ship loading systems are setting new standards for quickly receiving and shipping grain. “These state-of-the-art facilities are transforming the way grain moves across Canada,” says G3 CEO Don Chapman. “Our loop-to-loop system connects Prairie to port in a way that ensures high quality Canadian grain gets to market on time, which ultimately benefits Canadian farmers.” Four more G3 elevators are under construction in Alberta: G3 Wetaskiwin and G3 Stettler County will open later this summer; G3 Vermilion and G3 Irricana in 2021. In Saskatchewan, G3 Swift Current is also under construction and due to open in 2021.

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