Dozens of players
from Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, India, and China, among other countries, were
introduced to “Brazil's sustainable superfoods”. This is how the beans and
special crops in the country highlighted during the Dry Beans and Special Crops
International Summit 2023 event were classified, held with “absolute success”
on the last 30th and 31st of March in Foz do Iguaçu (Paraná).
“The Summit exceeded the organization's expectations in terms of audience, level of content, and networking. As well as the satisfaction expressed by the participants. It is the first time that IBRAFE (Brazilian Institute of Beans, Pulses and Special Harvests) promotes a meeting aimed at exporters aimed at the main players in the world market. ApexBrasil's support for carrying out this initiative was fundamental, which validates the strategy and shows that the sector is on the right track”, said Najla Souza, director of the “Brazil – Dry Beans and Sesame Seeds” project at ApexBrasil.
According to her, Brazil is ready to contribute to world food security, and the market is promising, as it is open to producing and exporting more. For that, explains Najla, it is necessary to get closer to the biggest importers of Pulses and Sesame in the world: India and China.
“The participation of the Indian Ambassador, Mr. Suresh Reddy, as well as the presence of a CFNA (Chinese Chamber of Commerce) representative, Ms. Chen Ying, shows that we are on the right path to conquer more space in the international market”, projected the director of the ApexBrasil project.
Beans and pulses are considered “superfoods” because they contain fiber, important vitamins, and minerals, in addition to bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids and phytochemicals, minerals, and other essential elements for human health. “As a doctor said – who was unaware of my involvement with the sector: ‘Whoever made human beings made beans (pulses in general), for him. So much so that rats – which are a pest in storage – do not attack the beans. In fact, beans are rodenticides, even more so, it is rare for a mammal to feed on pulses’”, said Marcelo Lüders, president of IBRAFE.
According to him, these “superfoods” have sustainable production, require less energy, and have less demand on natural resources per kilogram of protein delivered. “There is no more rational way to produce protein, and it has one of the smallest carbon footprints. In terms of conservation: Think how much energy is spent to store meat, while to store pulses a minimum use of energy is required”, concludes Lüders.
The public was very satisfied with the programming presented during the Dry Beans and Special Crops International Summit 2023. The content, in addition to presenting Brazilian products, discussed common issues across South America.
“It was very rich to be able to understand the world scenario for beans and Paraguay's experience with sesame, for example. It was worth noting the willingness of all the speakers who were willing to come and compose this program sharing their knowledge”, said Najla Souza.
The format of the event was created with the intention of promoting 'networking', with exhibitions and lectures held all in a single environment, thus providing interaction between participants throughout the event. Therefore, exporters, importers, service providers in foreign trade, and the government were able to interact while participating in the program.
The event, promoted by ApexBrasil and IBRAFE, highlighted 12 Brazilian exhibiting companies, as well as underscored the great potential and possibilities of Latin American countries in producing beans, sesame, peanuts, and other export-oriented specialties. The sponsors were: Arbaza, Colombo, Correpar, Eternity Logística, Itaipu Binacional, Travelex.
More than 60 Brazilian companies were represented at the event, with emphasis on the participants of the Brazil Dry Beans and Sesame Seeds project who took their stands: Atlas Agro, Arbaza, AHL, Agrícola Ferrari, Coperaguas, Dassoler, Grãos de Minas, Ng Trade, Samba Foods , Sorribras, Sesamo Real, Sebra, Vieira Pulses, Marambaia.
The next steps taken by those responsible, once Summit 2023 is concluded, is the organization of the “Bean Forum”, on June 15th and 16th, in Brasília (DF), bringing together producers, packers, and exporters for yet another event. On the occasion, the focus will be on the entire bean chain, with the intention of raising awareness of the federal government regarding the social function of this crop, which plays a fundamental role in the country's food security.
“For the next edition of the Summit, in 2024, we hope to bring more players and companies interested in beans and Brazilian sesame. With the support of ApexBrasil, it will be possible to attract more importers to the Brazilian market, thus boosting exports”, concludes Najla Souza.