Mühlenchemie organized the second Mühlenchemie Conference in Egypt. Some 200 cereal and flour experts from scientific and technological institutions and industry met in Cairo to acquire information on innovations and trends in flour improvement.

Mühlenchemie, one of the world’s leading companies in the field of flour treatment and flour fortification gathered some 200 representatives of the Egyptian milling and flour processing industry in Cairo, Egypt for a day in November 2016. They were the guests of Mühlenchemie on the occasion of its Second Mühlenchemie Conference organized together with the laboratory equipment manufacturer Brabender. Representatives of mills, pasta manufacturers, industrial bakeries and government research institutions gathered to inform themselves on the latest findings and possibilities of enhancing quality in the flour industry. Internationally acknowledged experts spoke on the main theme of the conference: “Flour quality requirements between present and future”. The papers offered the participants new information and ideas concerning current changes and challenges in the industry, such as flour improvement, the use of enzymes, pasta production and prolonging the freshness of bakery products.
“Our intention in organizing this conference is to strengthen our direct contacts with existing and potential customers and discuss the wealth of new findings in the theory and practice of flour improvement. We regard the meeting as an important part of a network that will make a valuable and lasting contribution to shaping the future of the milling industry”, says Daniel Wiebe, Regional Sales Manager Egypt, Sudan & Libya at Mühlenchemie.