New claim for DeutscheBack: Together. Better Baking.

04 August 20193 min reading

DeutscheBack GmbH & Co. KG has significantly increased its network of regional locations in recent months and further extended its staff capacities. Thanks to significant additional investment in research and development, the Ahrensburg baking experts can now accentuate even more their consulting expertise from “From Flour to Final” and their proximity to their customers. A new claim clearly expresses this partnership approach: with “Together. Better Baking.” the company has sharpened both its profile and its image. As part of the expanding Stern-Wywiol Gruppe, DeutscheBack has markedly stepped up its international presence. In total, the company has access to a net-work of 16 affiliates abroad that have in-depth expertise in their respective regional markets and, in some cases, their own research or production facilities. Just last year it opened new production and development sites in Malaysia and Mexico and there are as well further plans for a new technology centre in Egypt. What’s more, the local staff capacities at the sites have been topped up and re-structured, enabling the company to focus on the baking goods industry. A new addition is the business development team. It has secured the services of Michael Pruss, an expert who is well-versed in the industry and its requirements and has many years of experience. “We see ourselves as partners of our customers and as problem-solvers on an equal footing. It is becoming increasingly important for customers to come up with individual formulations tailored to the specific require-ments of markets and regions. We have now carried this promise of a partnership approach over into our claim, too, because our broader regional base results in closer and closer personal relations with customers,” comments Lennart Kutschinski, CEO, DeutscheBack, when explaining the company’s new image. DeutscheBack boasts a global standard portfolio of baking concepts, baking pre-mixes, enzyme systems and, for instance, fresh and vegetable cream stabilisers and anti-staling agents. The company’s new positioning enables it to pursue its consulting approach “From Flour to Final” even more effectively. More than 100 technologists, masterbakers, millers and enzyme experts work at the Stern-Technology Centre in Ahrensburg near Hamburg. Thanks to this interdisciplinary approach in cooperation with its sister companies, Mühlenchemie, world market leader for flour improvement, and SternEnzym, specialist for enzyme technology, DeutscheBack can cover all production stages of bakery goods. The decentralised structure lends itself to the development of specific solutions that meet the individual requirements of the baked goods producers, regardless of whether they are industrial companies, affiliates, retailers with in-house production or the growing away-from-home market. Knowledge about raw materials, their interactions and enzyme-based baking applications culminate in solutions that offer high added value in terms of profitability and innovation. For this, the consultants can draw on the pooled specialist knowledge from the competence network of all the companies in the group.

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