Kayseri Şeker invested 40 million liras for new silos

05 August 20162 min reading
In the statement by Kayseri Şeker Fabrikası A.Ş., it was announced that new licensed grain silos with a total capacity of 80 thousand tons were built at a cost of 40 million liras in three cities.  The foundations of the facilities were laid 10 months ago. i_80_5 Kayseri Şeker Fabrikası A.Ş. (Kayseri Sugar Factory) built licensed grain silos with a total capacity of 80 thousand tons in Develi town of Kayseri, Boğazlıyan town of Yozgat and Şarkışla town of Sivas at a cost of 40 million liras. According to the statement from Kayseri Şeker Fabrikası A.Ş., Kayseri Beet Plenter Cooperative Chairman Hüseyin Akay investigated the silos in Boğazlıyan district and received information from the authorities about the product delivery and possible applications. Akay stated that these investments indicated the economic strength of Kayseri Sugar Factory, a farmer establishment. Akay underlined that the silos which were found 10 months ago are all licensed and added: "Thanks to our licensed warehouses, we will be authorised in categorisation and protection of the wheat, barley and oat products by all of our farmers in the region no matter they are our member or not. Farmers can benefit from our licensed warehouse by renting it, they will benefit from its legally recognised advantages and will be exempted from taxes. At the same time, half of the rental price shall be covered by the State. In this way, the grain products revenue of our farmers will be increased.”
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