TMO announced the corn intervention policy

09 September 20142 min reading
Turkish Grain Board (TMO) announced its 2014 corn intervention purchase price and intervention policy on 15 August. TMO will pay 680 TL per ton for corn in 2014. Turkish Grain Board (TMO) announced its 2014 corn intervention purchase price and intervention policy with public announcement made on 15 August. Announcing intervention purchase price as 680 TL per ton this year that was 640 TL/Ton in 2013, TMO stated that support payments such as fertilizer, diesel fuel and soil analysis besides the subsidy of 40 TL/Ton will continue like in the previous years in addition to the intervention price. Determined as 680 TL/Ton, intervention purchase price will increase to 735 TL/Ton with 55 TL/Ton subsidy and other supports. TMO lists the policies to be followed in corn purchases this year as; “TMO will start corn purchases in all the offices in the regions where corn production is made on Monday 18 August 2014. Producers who are registered at Farmer Register System can sell the entire amount on their documents in advance or deposit their products. The farmers who do not have CKS (Farmer Information System) Certificate can sell their products given as deposit to TMO warehouses between 1 January 2015 and 31 May 2015 providing that they purchased the products from the producers. TMO will make the corn purchases by appointment like in the last year for preventing the producers from waiting at the offices for a long time. Purchases without appointment will not be realized. Appointments can be made via, and websites or from TMO offices. Purchases will be made in 6 days of the week except for Sunday. The deposit purchases will be made in all of our offices with empty storage capacity including temporary purchase centers. The producers who deposit their products to TMO warehouses can get 30% advance from TMO with warehouse receipt or get loans from contractual banks upon their request. The ones who do not have CKS Certificate can only get loans from the contractual banks with warehouse receipt. The product money will be transferred to the bank accounts of the producers within 30 days from the date of delivery to TMO. The payment to the producers who deliver their products with the product card obtained from the contractual banks will be made within 10 days not 30 days.
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