KPM Analytics announced a new model to
complete its SmartChem® line of wet-chemistry discrete analyzers. The
SmartChem® 210 adds a low-mid capacity analyzer that features the same
user-friendly graphical software suite used in larger SmartChem® systems,
simplifying operation and reducing training time.
The SmartChem® 210 is a flexible productivity platform for physicochemical inorganic testing laboratories. With a capacity of 60 samples and 32 reagent positions, SmartChem®210 is designed to deliver high efficiency testing. It automates and consolidates testing by using visible spectrophotometry and running parallel testing in its 60-position re-usable-cuvette carousel.
“Customers have been asking for a more graphical user interface in a low-mid capacity system,” said Roberto Perchin, Business Development Manager. “The addition of the model 210 to the SmartChem® family creates a consistent software and operational platform across the range of customer requirements in terms of workload, automation, and flexibility.”
“It is common for laboratories to increase capacity of routine testing by adding analyzers,” he said. “By starting with the model 210, operators will have no learning curve going to the higher-capacity SmartChem® 450 and SmartChem® 600 analyzers.”
The SmartChem® 210 does not replace the SmartChem® 200. The SmartChem® 200 will continue to be available due to the popularity of its configuration.