Feed Milling And Feed Technologies

01 October 20152 min reading
Animals need to take sufficient and balanced nutrition as well as human beings. This enabled global feed industry to improve. In this industry which has a business value of nearly 460 billion dollar, it is estimated that there are 31 thousand 43 feed mill. Total mixed feed amount that these mills produced is 980 million tons.  kapak For human nutrition and food safety, animal products are highly important as well as grains. However, efficiency in animal products is not only related with developing fertile races. It is also significant to feed these fertile races with what they need in terms of nutrition. Namely, animals need to take sufficient and balanced nutrition as well as human beings. This is the most important fact causing global mixed feed industry to develop rapidly. According to “2015 Global Feed Survey” prepared by Alltech, feed additive producer; it is estimated that there are 31 thousand 43 feed mill in global feed industry that has a business value of 460 billion dollar in 2014. 1150 of these mills are in Africa, 13.736 in Asia, 5.165 in Europe, 3.914 in Latin America, 288 in Middle East and 6.790 in North America. Total mixed feed amount that these mills produced was 980 million tons in 2014.
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