In the scope of the first period of projects in the Competitive Industries Program of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, 9,5 million Euro was invested in the “Grain Stock Market and Licensed Silo Project” in Şanlıurfa.
In the scope of the first period of projects in the Competitive Industries Program of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, 9,5 million Euro was invested in the “Grain Stock Market and Licensed Silo Project” in Şanlıurfa. According to a news report by Murat Karataş from Güneydoğu Güncel, as the target of the first period of the program organized by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, the other projects in 43 provinces is about to be completed. The total amount of support provided to the projects is approximately 45 million Euro.
A “Grain Stock Market and Licensed Silo Project” has been completed in Şanlıurfa with an investment of 9,5 million Euro. In the scope of the project, a grain storage facility with a capacity of 90,000 tons, equipped with laboratories for product testing and analyses as well as modern technology, was built in April. With this project, the SMEs and businesses in agricultural activities will be able to improve product quality and shelf life of their products. Manufacturers will deliver their crops to the licensed silo under insurance and in good conditions, and upon delivery, they will receive product instruments which is globally valid. Businesses will be able to get loans and financing from banks by submitting product instruments as security.
The storage facility will also ensure that the SMEs processing wheat, bulgur, flour and lentil in Şanlıurfa have consistent, reliable supply of raw materials under proper quality control.