The President of Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters Union Mahsum Altunkaya said that 1 billion 536 million 605 thousand dollars of cereal, pulse, oilseed and product export was carried out in January-September period of 2016.
Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters Union Chairman Altunkaya said that 1 billion 536 million 605 thousand dollars of cereal, pulse, oilseed and product export was carried out in January-September period of 2016. Saying that the Southeast regions have a significant capacity in the pasta and wheat flour production, Altunkaya noted that it also reflected to the export and the wheat flour took the maximum share with 406 million 960 thounsand dollars among the exported product groups.
Stating that the vegetable oil exports is in second place with 295 million 787 thousand dollars, Altunkaya noted that the pasta follows it with 209 million 274 thousand dollars. Altunkaya by stating that the Middle East countries take the first place and cereals, pulses, oilseeds and products fro the Southeast said that ''1 billion 115 million 609 thousand dollars of sales was made to this region, the second region performed the most export was African countries with 286 million 376 thousand dollars, the third place was of Asian and Oceania countries with 20 million 743 thousand dollars.
Stating that the largest share is of the Middle Eastern countries in the interregional export, however European and American countries are not at the desired level for the export, Altunkaya noted that a study will be started so as to increase the sales to these regions.
He recalled that Iraq is the first with 864 million 890 thousand dollars when looking at the exports according to the country distribution, this country are followed by Syria with 141 million 82 thousand dollars and Sudan also with 94 million 92 thousand dollars.