Olam looks for science research to change the world

02 November 20162 min reading

Olam International is looking for potentially ground-breaking scientific research into food security which could revolutionize the agricultural industry. Entries are now open for the second global Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security (Olam Prize) with US$50,000 of funding for the winner.

olamFirst launched by leading global agri-business Olam International with respected scientific partner, Agropolis Fondation, in 2014, the Olam Prize recognizes an innovative scientific research project for its potential impact on the availability, affordability, accessibility and adequacy of food. The winning research project for the 2016/2017 edition will receive US$50,000 unrestricted funding to support its further development. The laureates may also have the opportunity to work with Olam to develop the practical application of their innovation with the company’s expertise in agricultural supply chains spanning 47 products in 70 countries. The Olam Prize will be judged by an independent jury of 12 experts and awarded in conjunction with the Agropolis Louis Malassis International Scientific Prizes for Agriculture and Food. The deadline for applications submission is 25 January 2017.

Winner of the inaugural Olam International Prize for Innovation in Food Security in 2015, SRI International Network and Resources Center (SRI-Rice) was rewarded for its work on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), a game-changing innovation that enhances productivity of rice paddy, water conservation, livelihoods, soil health, and crop resilience to climate stress.

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