“Manual of Durum Wheat Production,” which was prepared with the cooperation of Barilla, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, and Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute, is published. The book revealed ten golden rules that are the basis for the sustainable durum wheat production.
The importance of food sustainability is more important than in previous years in a period when arable land is getting smaller and more accessible and sustainable food needs are rising. Within this context, Italian Barilla realized another work in Turkey as a part of “Sustainable Agriculture Project,” in place for the food sustainability.
“Manual of Durum Wheat Production,” which was prepared with the cooperation of Barilla, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Livestock, and Bahri Dağdaş International Agricultural Research Institute, is published.
Providing recommendations on how to plan cultivation and to optimize, the book listed ten golden rules as follows: “Selection of ecology and land suitable for durum wheat, soil cultivation, alternation, using the most suitable variety, using certified seed, sowing at the right time, using the right amount of seed, fertilizing properly, controlling weeds and fighting diseases.”
The promotion of these 10 golden rules among durum wheat producers has importance to increase the production quality, to reduce harmful effects to the environment, to make the land more efficient and to use it for longer periods. The book will be distributed to farmers, opinion leaders, people, and institutions.
Research studies, which laid the foundation for practical information at the Manual of Durum Wheat Production, were realized at five different locations in the Central Anatolia between 2014 and 2016. Within this research, traditional agricultural techniques were applied in the half of selected land while the sustainable techniques were applied in the other half of the same land. The research found out that the amount of fuel oil, seed, and fertilizer has been reduced for two years while the productivity has been preserved, and the harmful effects on the environment and carbon emission have been reduced.
The research regarding the sustainable production of durum wheat has been ongoing in Thrace region. Data, which was acquired through joint research between Bahri Dağdaş UTAE and Barilla, and recommended methods acquired through previous research on the region’s durum wheat production have been tested and collected into a book. In addition, the book also includes differences in climate requirements among wheat varieties, what needs to be done in order to be successful in agriculture, the things to be considered in alternation, and techniques to improve crop productivity.