Covid-19 and Pest Management A Perspective from Bayer Pest Solutions Turkey

25 June 20205 min reading

Serdar Aziret Bayer Marketing Manager Bayer Environmental Science Turkey

“If food manufacturers go into lock down, limiting site access to protect workers and concentrate on production, technology may be able to offer a level of management and continued service on such sites. Remote monitoring technology could also allow the professional pest controller to maintain links with their sites and keep their customers informed of pest activity, allowing the quick and efficient control of pests before they become a serious issue.”

The current situation that the Turkey, and the world, finds itself in as it struggles with the grip of Covid-19, is unprecedented. The worldwide pandemic has impacted every level of our lives - from the tragedy of loss, the fear of unemployment, to the inconvenience of running out of toilet rolls. Every aspect of our lives will be impacted. However, in the pest control industry we can be assured of one fact in a

Veli Can İlkgün//Sales Executive
Bayer Environmental Science Turkey

confusing and contradictory world. Pests do not stop! They do not adhere to curfew, they do not allow shopping hours for the vulnerable and key workers, they do not enforce a 2-metre contact rule, and they do not worry about contaminated surfaces. In fact, given the opportunity they thrive, and if unchecked, they can make a severe situation catastrophic. When food is scarce, they will consume and contaminate it, when people’s health is compromised, they spread infection and disease, and when the country is required to stay in our homes, they can destroy properties, causing fire and flood. And as a country finally starts to win the battle against a disease like Covid-19, pests could be the forgotten transmitter that resurrects the spread of infection.

THE NEED FOR CRITICAL WORKER STATUS Given the risks associated with pests, it is of vital importance that the pest industry in the Turkey, and beyond, is seen as an essential part of the battle against Covid-19. Indeed, our Bayer colleagues in the USA are working with and supporting pest professionals who are classed as essential workers, helping the US battle the virus and control the negative impacts of pest infestation. As Bayer Environmental Science, we acknowledge that pest managements services are quite crucial during these times and we work very hard to support the works of our colleagues. We believe that pest managements companies should continue their combat without slowing down, during these days of professional and social transformation.

BAYER PEST SOLUTIONS INDUSTRY SUPPORT Bayer will also use our knowledge and experience to support and guide the professional pest industry in the Turkey. We will endeavor to keep our products available and support our key distributors. It is essential that our customers have access to the tools required to control pest infestations and to maintain disease and infection free environments. Our Pest Solutions team experts are also still at the end of the phone to help with any technical issues about products and pests – if you need our support please use our knowledge and expertise. The future weeks could be lonely ones for our pest control community, so please reach out if we can help.

WILL THIS CHANGE THE FACE OF PEST MANAGEMENT? It is probably too early to say, but in the short term without pest management the key food stores and manufacturers may suffer, as will essential services such as hospitals, care homes, schools… the list is a long one. We also must consider the issue of people being restricted to homes with pest infestations that cannot be controlled, not good for general health or mental wellbeing. With many business locations on lockdown, without access for pest management we may see a rise in pest problems later in the year when shops and services re-open. Where possible, these sites should remain open to pest management services, as if they do not, we run the risk of having to deal with a rise in pest related infections, just as we turn the corner with Covid-19.

In the medium to long term, we may find that technology has more of a role to play in the management of pests, especially in key manufacture and service industries. If food manufacturers go into lock down, limiting site access to protect workers and concentrate on production, technology may be able to offer a level of management and continued service on such sites. Remote monitoring technology could also allow the professional pest controller to maintain links with their sites and keep their customers informed of pest activity, allowing the quick and efficient control of pests before they become a serious issue. Technology will in many cases allow us to communicate effectively and work successfully from home during a lockdown period – in the future it seems impossible to picture a pest industry that doesn’t grasp the benefits that technology offers our pest managers and their customers.

Safe Working As pest controllers we potentially work with disease every day. We understand risks and we understand how to control them. However, these are unparalleled times with an invisible threat. If we are carrying out pest treatments to protect the vulnerable, our hospitals, care-homes, food manufacturers and supply chains, we need to protect ourselves and our families. And remember, the Bayer Pest Solutions team is here to help if we can. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need our support.

Stay well, stay safe and stay vigilant.
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