United States elected as new AMIS Chair

29 March 20221 min reading

The United States will be the new Chair of AMIS, taking over responsibilities from Mexico at the next meeting of the Global Food Market Information Group.

The United States was elected at the 11th session of the  AMIS Rapid Response Forum and will be represented through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Chief Economist, Seth Meyer. 

As a G20 member, the United States has been actively engaged in AMIS since the initiative’s inception in 2011, and Seth has participated actively over the years within the AMIS Information Group. In a statement following the nomination to lead AMIS, the US highlighted the crucial importance of strengthening AMIS at this moment of time, especially as regards "enhancing market transparency and policy coordination in global food markets in order to moderate price increases and enhance global food security.” The US furthermore explained that it would support continued country dialogue and engagement to help the country representatives, participating International Organizations and the Secretariat achieve these goals. The US concluded by thanking Mexico for its important service to the group over the last year and looked forward to active engagement of all AMIS participants.

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