The importance of steel construction in milling plant investment

10 August 20176 min reading

“The most important factors that make steel more preferred in milling industry are the practical and fast solutions it offers. The contract deadline for milling plant projects, which are delivered on turnkey basis, is a fixed date, and often, the work has to be completed in a short period of time. At this point, steel construction systems are widely preferred in the milling industry for its fast manufacture-assembling and durability.”

Yusuf Kaya  Architect Hasan Kaya Çelik Konstrüksiyon yusufkayaIn the manufacturing process of steel construction, which starts with the arrival of raw materials at the factory and completion of controls, the sanding and lining processes are followed by drilling and cutting processes, which is called the “pre-production”. The materials which are prepared in this process are taken into the assembling hall, and combined with the plates on them. The assembling points are welded in a long process in the assembling hall, and then the material welding quality control is performed. Then the welding residues and the resulting dirt on the material are cleaned, and the material is prepared for dying. The materials are transferred to the dye house, and after the dying processes are completed, they are packaged and prepared for loading to ensure an easy and healthy shipping process. When the manufactured materials arrive at the construction site, they are properly stacked on the site according to the order of assembling, to ensure rapid assembling, and they are rapidly and properly installed on the anchorages which have been prepared in advance.

Steel constructions, with its advantages from the project phase to the completion of assembling, offer economic, practical and fast solutions in industrial structures. Therefore, steel constructions are unrivalled structures in industrial buildings, regardless of the regions and countries.

REASONS FOR PREFERRING STEEL IN MILLING The most important factors that make steel more preferred in milling industry is the practical and fast solutions it offers. The contract deadline for milling facility projects, which are delivered on turnkey basis, is a fixed date, and often, the work has to be completed in a short period of time. At this point, steel construction systems are widely preferred in the milling industry for its fast manufacture-assembling and durability.

In steel construction projects, the number of milling facility investments has increased day by day since their onset in early 2000’s. Hasan Kaya Steel Construction has developed new know-how and techniques in every project, and with its successful manufacturing and assembling processes, it has added 7 out of top 10 companies in the milling industry to its references, according to the list of machinery sales figures.

WHY SHOULD WE USE STEEL CONSTRUCTION? ARCHITECTURAL FREEDOM: Steel does not limit architectural design; to the contrary, it encourages new designs. Its ability to bridge through large gaps, its aesthetic appearance and its ease of processing allow us to implement all kinds of design. Many examples of post-modern architecture have been built in steel.

STABILITY: Steel is more robust than conventional building systems under both regular load and temporary load (wind, earthquake, etc.). The durability it gives to buildings makes it an indispensable construction solution in cases where the old building methods are not enough.

ADEQUACY OF SECTION: Steel is the material that can bear the highest amount of load per unit area, among all construction materials. In other words, its bearing elements are much smaller. Therefore, the usage areas in buildings with steel load-bearing systems are more spacious than other buildings.

HOMOGENEITY: Since steel is completely manufactured of the same substance (without any reinforcing components), it can be used in any condition, provided that necessary protective measures are implemented.

LIGHTNESS: Steel is very light, as it minimizes the sections of load-bearing elements. A building with steel load-bearing systems is lighted by 1/20 as compared to an equivalent reinforced concrete building. This brings a significant advantage to the construction in terms of earthquake load, and it helps the construction to bear the loads that are higher than it.

CONSTRUCTION OF MULTI-STORIED BUILDINGS: Since steel has a high level of flexibility, there is no limit to the height of buildings. Currently, most of the high-rise buildings are constructed with steel.

RESISTANCE TO EARTHQUAKES: Due to its lightness, steel receives less earthquake load as compared to reinforced concrete. This ensures a high level of relief on the vertical load-bearing elements (columns, screens, etc.), which are the most important elements of the construction. Thus, the load that should be borne by the structure and the amount of material to be used for the load is decreased.

PRE-FABRICATION: Steel is completely independent from the weather conditions in the supply and pre-production phases where the building is manufactured.

EASE OF INSPECTION: Steel, which is a homogenized material, is open to all kinds of inspection in the construction site or manufacturing facility. The application can be easily monitored, and therefore the errors in application or pre-fabrication can be easily corrected.

FAST MANUFACTURING: Steel, which is independent from weather conditions, can be easily inspected and does not require cure or holding time to improve its resistance; therefore, it allows completing the construction in a very short time.

ECONOMY: Although steel is not very cheap, it is economical, which is a good indicator that it does not have to be cheap. The main reasons that make steel economical are the following: it can be rapidly manufactured, allowing the construction to be used in a short time; it does not hinder using the structure during application or reinforcing processes; it offers a vaster usage area; it is architecturally more aesthetic, and it is recyclable. Considering these factors, the depreciation time of steel constructions is reduced, making them more economical than the equivalent materials.

LONG LIFE CYCLE: When necessary precautions are taken and sufficient engineering service is provided, steel can have a long life cycle.

RECYCLING: When its life cycle expires, or it is damaged, demounted or demolished, steel continues to have an economic value, and it is an environment-friendly product as it can be reused and does not damage the environment.

EASE OF REINFORCING: In the event of damages resulting from the effect of time, the errors resulting from users or manufacturers, or a change in intended use, which we observe in many buildings today, steel allows the user to reinforce the facility easily and in a short period of time.

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