Technological Development Foresights in Roller Mill Rolls

02 November 20167 min reading

“Flour mill which is an industrial plant wants to have the opportunity to work continuously 24 hours a day and close to 340 days a year. The crushing and grinding roller functions are important for this. Roller mill rolls having imporoved technology that add value to the features in advanced and delicate grinding technique of roller mills is very important in the production.” Yakup YURT ENTİL Endüstri Yatırımları ve Tic. A. Ş.

kapadosyas2The increase of competition and options in the flour industry, as in all production areas today directs the firms to seek the technologies to ensure them the advantage and superiority. Because technology is one of the most important power tools that can be superior to the firms.

Therefore, the firms producing mill machinery and equipments have to be in a endless development process in order to respond to the demand of millers and to offer technologies that will make a difference to them. While there are machines which can make more qualified production in the focus on technology demands in the past, In the focus of today's demands, there are many issues from energy saving to efficiency. There must be many technological options in responser to these demands. It is a subject that requires more attention to follow all the processes and to choose and develop the right technologies, to make correct demands or to meet the demands with the right technologies in such an environment in terms of both millers and machine manufacturers.

Our firm, Entil Inc. which is one of the leading roller mill rolls suppliers in crushing and grinding of the milling industry makes technological developments in manufacturing by taking into account the customers' demands. It keeps the points required for the field of technology and technologies that may come to the foreground in the future on the agenda.

WHEAT SHOULD BE GRAINED  IN THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY The consumption rate of bread which is the basic food product and of bakery products increases along with the rapid growth of the world population. Therefore, it places importance to crush and grind the wheat in the most efficient way and to ensure high quality, capacity and yield.

The mill machinery manufacturers and mill process engineers' studies are focused to reduce energy consumption to the minimum, to obtain high quality, efficiency and capacity.

In order to positive all these expectations, the mill and roller mill manufacturers even those making mill process have made roller mill rolls with durable and yield continuity by using 40 years of experience of Entil INc. and by maintaining R&D activities.

This success has been obtained by making more durable in chemical and physical properties in order to fulfill the function requested according to the crush and liso passages which roller mill rolls will be used.

THE IMPORTANCE OF CRUSHING AND GRINDING ROLLER MILLS The results are very good which it has taken from the crush and the final product's capacity, efficiency and quality trials of the roller mill rolls used in the flour plants of different regions in recent years. Flour mill which is an industrial plant wants to have the opportunity to work continuously 24 hours a day and close to 340 days a year. The crushing and grinding roller mill rolls functions are important for this.

Roller mill having imporoved technology that add value to the features in advanced and delicate grinding technique of roller mill rolls is very important in the production. After the roller mill rolls which were made the product development were made specially for passages, its efficiencies increased.

Roller mill rolls were classified into 2 groups for flour mills in the process; 1. Crusher Roller Mill Rolls: Crusher roller mill rolls are rolls made as double centrifugal casting with special wear-resistant chemical alloy and facilitated with screwing alloy. Hardness values are generally between 500 and 550 brinell. Hardness depth is 25 millimeters. There is consistently high yield because it is made fit for purpose. Crushing roller mill rolls have economically 10 times indentation life when it is screwed by grinding from the same sign in B1-B2 passages. An indentation life varies according to the number of roller mill rolls and crushing-grinding metres. According to our experiments, life is higher because of the wear resistance compared to the classical usual balls. The number of indentation to be opened, depth of screwing, screwing angles, incidence angle and screw backs and surface quality must have the conditions that the processor (diagrammer) wants exactly. Otherwise the desired result could not be taken and it would be difficult to achieve the target for the diagrammer.

The lowest economic use diameters of the roller mill rolls with the diameter of 250 mm is observed as 242 mm at the result of 10 indentation. It is made in 500 and 600 Brinell hardness with a superior alloy in harder and more resistant roller mill rolls in order to crush hard wheat upon special request of semolina factories. These rolls which are generally used in the semolina mills are called “Semolina Rolls”. Its usage becomes prevalent in the B1 and B2 passages in the flour mills because of the durability. To cut a screw thread these rolls is more difficult than the others, so re-opening should be made in producer.

They should not be used for Liso purpose because crushing roller mill rolls are made for the crushing passages. The product slides since they will shine due to the hardness in liso passage, product accumulates between the two rolls and passes in a bottom by sudden taking together in seconds, while passing, it subverts the roller mill and even damage to the product.

2. Liso roller mill rolls: Liso roller mill rolls are the rolls that we have worked on in recent years. They are these rolls giving the latest shape because as of their locations. Products in the form of granules prepared in crushing passages in the system. The quality of flour required by grinding in Liso rollers is obtained. The micron status requested to grind semolina grains in granulate is related to the calibration accuracy. The rolls rotating at different speeds in order to make the desired grinding should be grinded without causing any damage to granule from the grain. For this, the roller mill rolls surface must be rough enough to hold the granulate grains. This roughness requires 3 different roughness to be coarse, medium and fine according to the granule or semolina's grain size. Roughness value is requested to be; 5,000 to 6,000 µm for the first passages; 4,000 to 5,000 µm for medium passages and 3.000 to 4.000 µm for final passage. Metal material of liso roller mill rolls should be made with the suitable alloy for the roughening property in order to make roughness under these values in the roll surface. Even it is preferred that this roughness has a structure maintaining as it ran.

It is to produce roller mill rolls which satisfied customers and taken good results with newly developed them by making improvements fit for purpose in material structure of liso roller mill rolls which Entil Inc. has applied technological development in recent years, The most important feature of this roll is to continue roughness for a long time after the pre-roughening.

There are variability in hardness classifications of liso cylinders and they range from 350 to 450 brinell. Liso roller mill rolls’ operating temperature should be between around 30 to 45 C. Temperature varies according to region and climate. The cambers to be met the expansion should be given in grinding time (according to the diameter and longitudinal of the rolls) against thermal expansions reflected in the beginning part of the roller mill rolls due to belts, pulleys and frictions other than operating temperature. Camber value should be determined according to the temperature depending on thermal expansion coefficient of the material, and made to that extent by the feature of rolls. Then the roughening should be performed.

As a result, we will continue to conduct our works in order to realize the quality, capacity and efficieny target for our machinist customers and all flour mills.


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