The CEO of Bühler Group is now Stefan Scheiber. Scheiber succeeds Calvin Grieder, who will focus on his role as Chairman of the Board.

According to the announcement of Bühler, Stefan Scheiber is now CEO of the company. Scheiber succeeds Calvin Grieder, who will focus on his role as Chairman of the Board. “In order to continue the success story of Bühler, we want to seize the opportunities of accelerated change presented by megatrends such as digitization, safe feed and food, and sustainability,” said Stefan Scheiber at the occasion of the CEO handover.
The appointment of Stefan Scheiber stands for continuity and accelerated change at Bühler. Stefan Scheiber has been with the solution provider for industrial process technologies since 1988. In the course of his 25-year career, he has led various sales and production organizations at all management levels in Kenya, South Africa, Germany, and Switzerland. “With our portfolio of solutions and our global presence in over 140 countries, we are strongly positioned in the important growth markets of food and mobility,” says Stefan Scheiber. “The aim now is to transform this position into further profitable growth.”