Registration for EURO
GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum has started. The brand-new event in grains
market to take place on April 26-28, 2023 in Marriott Grand Hotel, Bucharest,
This new regional Exchange is a powerful step to respond to the ongoing market extremes, rerouting of the global grain trade and global pricing.
Agriculture of the Central and Eastern European countries, including Romania, is becoming more and more important as grain and oil crops originating region and low risk supplier under conditions of uncertainties and logistics chain disruptions. This is in fact new position of this region, which is currently underestimated by the majority of the market players.
The war in Ukraine promoted great changes in the regional grain flows affecting the global commodity trade. Grain exports from the CEE countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Moldova, other) are able potentially to fill the gap in the next 2-5 years, after Ukrainian exports have decreased.
GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum aims to develop European discussion, networking and trading platform for agricultural sector (farmers, traders, input suppliers, logistics, animal and feed industry, storage) to help the grain and oilseed market stakeholders curb the global food inflation.
GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum will pay much bigger attention to the Balkan and CEE countries/region, initiating debates on the key global and regional trends, logistics, disclosing the future of the global grain trade and commodity prices.
3-day Event will feature a top class conference agenda, exhibition with unrivaled networking opportunities and a business visit to the Port of Constanta.
Join the key stakeholders of the Central and Eastern Europe, Black Sea and Balkans, contributing to the global agri commodity supply chain!
Participation details and event registration are available at
EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum is organized by
UkrAgroConsult, AgriPortal
and AgroPortal.