Perten Instruments, a leading supplier of advanced analytical instruments to the food and agricultural industries, has introduced the RVA 4800 analyzer that allows users to measure performance and characteristics at temperatures above 100°C.
In response to customer needs, Perten Instruments, a PerkinElmer company, has launched a new version of the Rapid Visco Analyser™: the RVA 4800. With an extended temperature range (up to 140°C), the RVA 4800 instrument performs even more valuable analyses for a variety of applications. These include: ingredient performance (e.g. starches and hydrocolloids) under conditions relevant to ultra- high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization of dairy and food products, retorting, pressure cooking, extrusion, and other aseptic processing conditions. The RVA 4800 model can also perform all traditional RVA tests. "We are very excited about this new instrument," reports Martin Hallin – Rheology Product Manager for Perten Instruments. "The RVA 4800 analyzer opens up many new testing capabilities and research avenues for materials that exhibit properties above 100°C."
The RVA 4800 instrument measures ingredient and food performance. As with previous RVA models, temperature and stirring speed (shear) can be programmed to follow international standard methods or custom methods. It can also be used as a miniature pilot plant to mimic real-world manufacturing and preparation processes such as heating, cooling, and mixing. The RVA 4800 interfaces with a PC and Thermocline for Windows (TCW3) software for operation and data management and includes a library of methods for many applications. It combines speed, precision, flexibility, and automation and is a unique tool for research, product development, process monitoring, QC and QA to optimize ingredient use, product formulation, and monitoring processing conditions.