Innovation in the milling industry

08 March 20222 min reading

The power of artificial intelligence and machine learning methodologies offer opportunities for milling. We have smarter roller mills, scaling systems, moisture controller that are communicating with the plant master controller, and some are communicating with each other producing better results. Companies that do not want to lag behind the digital age are optimizing the infrastructure of the facilities and benefiting from the opportunities offered by Industry 4.0.

Millers make their efforts to have three major objectives, which are the optimum extraction rate with the maximum quality of finished products and the capacity of the mill. Their efforts for these objectives are aimed to have the optimum economic balance of these objectives. The digital revolution, which has an impact on every aspect of our lives, offers millers new opportunities to achieve these three goals.

As demands for sustainability, traceability, flexibility and food safety increase, digital technologies are helping to address these demands. Digitalization is revolutionizing the milling industry. It transforms production, business models and human resources in the processing industry. Companies that do not want to lag behind the age optimize the infrastructure of their plants to adapt to Industry 4.0 and take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization.

We have smarter roller mills, scaling systems, moisture controller that are communicating with the plant master controller, and some are communicating with each other producing better results. Although industry 4.0 adaptation is slow due to its cost, the digital revolution is inevitable.

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