Imaş Machinery is on the export champions list by TIM

13 September 20162 min reading

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) announced the first 1000 companies in terms of exportation in 2015. İmaş Machinery, the subsidiary of İttifak Holding, was placed in TİM’s list of most successful exporters.

imasİmaş Machinery, the subsidiary of İttifak Holding whose stock certificates are traded in Istanbul Stock Exchange, took place on “the most successful exporter companies” list by Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) thanks to their export activities. İmaş Machinery started its operations within the body of İttifak Holding in 1989. The company builds turn-key factory systems under the brands of Milleral, Viteral and Cuteral. İmaş Machinery establishes flour, semolina and corn flour factories in different countries. The company began to manufacture animal food machinery and equipment with Viteral brand in 2016.

“WE WILL CONTINUE TO GROW THANKS TO OUR INVESTMENTS” İmaş Machinery General Manager Mustafa Özdemir stated that they benefited from the experience which was gained in Milleral, their powerful brand in milling industry. Thanks to these experiences, they developed their exportation market with Viteral. Özdemir reported that they are really glad to be a part of “the most successful exporters” list by Turkish Exporters Assembly. “We are a young company. We conduct successful business. However, we are still at the beginning of our journey. We actualize machinery and equipment exportation to the many countries. We will continue to grow in the future thanks to our related investments. It is a great honour to be a part of TİM’s exporters list and we are proud,” said Özdemir and added: “We, as İmaş, realize exportations to more than 70 countries. We continue to grow by integrating into new markets. 90 percent of our 2015 turnover was provided by our exportation. Our goal is to increase the company’s exportation rates by 25 percent.”

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