G3 Hamilton starts operations

11 July 20172 min reading

G3 announced the completion of the 50,000 tonne new lake terminal at the Port of Hamilton in Canada and enhances eastern Canadian origination footprint.


G3 Canada Limited celebrates the grand opening of G3’s new lake terminal at the Port of Hamilton. Construction of the 50,000 tonne facility began in fall 2015 and was completed on schedule in April 2017. G3 Hamilton features technology that maximizes facility load and unload speed. G3 Hamilton began accepting its first grain deliveries in March 2017, and successfully completed loading its first vessel on June 2. The terminal is located at Pier 26 on Eastport Boulevard in the Port of Hamilton. “Customers of G3 Hamilton should immediately notice our commitment to efficiency and customer service. Trucks will experience faster unload times allowing them to get back on the road as quickly as possible,” said Karl Gerrand, CEO, G3 Canada Limited.

 TWO NEW ELEVATORS As well as the investment in Hamilton Port, G3 Canada Limited (G3) announced that it will construct two new primary elevators in Saskatchewan. The new facilities will feature high capacity drags under the driveshed, enabling trucks to unload quickly. The new elevators at Melville and Saskatoon are being constructed with 34,000 tonnes and 42,000 tonnes of storage capacity respectfully. Construction on the new elevators will commence in April, and both are slated for completion prior to the 2018 harvest.

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