Discussion of durum wheat in Turkey

12 September 20134 min reading
As one of the world’s leading pasta and bulghur exporters, Turkey has a discussion about durum wheat production that is the raw material of pasta and bulghur. Being one of the top pasta and bulghur exporters in the world, Turkey has a discussion about durum wheat production that is the raw material of pasta and bulghur. Evaluating the press reports about that the durum wheat production in Turkey wouldn’t meet the need of the sector, Turkish Grain Board (TMO) explained that the production is sufficient and these news are just speculations. The source of the press reports is the statement of National Grains Council Chairman Mahmut Arslan. Saying that Turkey has proceeded a lot in agricultural production in Turkey and transformation of it into commercial products compared to the previous years, Arslan stated that Turkey as one of the leader countries in especially pasta production, realized 100-150 thousand tons of export five years ago but this amount reached 520 thousand tons in 2012 and it will be around 650 thousand tons in 2013. Emphasizing that besides pasta Turkey has also a say in bulghur production, Arslan said, “After the GMO discussions on rice recently, people have started to prefer bulghur. There is an important increase in bulghur consumption. We will surpass 650 thousand tons in bulghur production.” Drawing attention to the production amount of durum wheat that is used for pasta and bulghur production in the continuation of his statement, Mahmut Arslan said that they are planning to increase the production as pasta and bulghur producers but the amount of durum wheat produced in Turkey wouldn’t meet the need. Expressing that they have had to turn to importation in order to overcome the problems experienced in durum wheat sector, Arslan said that farmers started to prefer bread wheat as it is more productive and thus the support for durum wheat production should be increased. TMO EXPLAINED THAT THERE IS SUFFICIENT DURUM WHEAT Making a written explanation about this statement reflected in the press, Turkish Grain Board (TMO) reported that durum wheat production has increased in 2013 and the production is sufficient enough to meet the needs of the industrialists. The statement included following: “Our pasta and bulghur export is increasing consistently. In exchange for the exports made, pasta wheat is imported, processed and exported again in the form of finished product time to time. According to the TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) data; it is expected that our 3, 3 million-ton pasta wheat production in 2012 will increase to 4, 07 million tons with a 770 thousand-ton increase in 2013. Our country’s pasta wheat need including internal consumption and export is around 3,2 million tons and it is sufficient enough to meet or exceed our consumption. TMO has explained bread wheat intervention purchase price as 720 TL/ton and the pasta wheat intervention purchase price as 765 TL/ton. High quality pasta wheat intervention purchase price rises up to 788 TL/ton.” “SPECULATIVE ACTIONS WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED” In the statement made by TMO, it is stated that with these applications pasta wheat production is encouraged. The following emphasize is made in the statement: “Our organization has a 413 thousand-ton stock of pasta wheat and the purchases still continue. As there is sufficient pasta wheat both in the market and TMO stocks, the speculative news about that there are problems in pasta wheat production do not reflect the truth. At the meetings with the representatives of pasta and bulghur sector, it has been confirmed that there is not any problem on durum wheat supply in the market. The domestic and foreign markets are followed by our organization closely and speculative actions wouldn’t be allowed with the measures to be applied when necessary.”
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