Bay State Milling Company has acquired a stake in MGM Seed & Grain which building a state-of-the-art oat processing facility recently.
Bay State Milling Company has acquired a stake in MGM Seed & Grain is Saskatchewan-based, Canada. MGM Seed & Grain is building a state-of-the-art oat processing facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan recently. The plant is located in the heart of oat production in the Canadian prairies and will be a dedicated gluten-free facility. The partnership with MGM provides Bay State Milling customers with a secure supply chain of gluten-free oat products. Customers can reach traditional and organic products of Bay State Milling. “We are excited about the opportunity to work with MGM Seed & Grain to develop a secure supply chain of gluten free oats. This venture underscores Bay State’s commitment to provide healthy and flavorful ingredients to support the growth of emerging grain-based food categories,” comments Walker Humphries, Vice President Strategic Planning.